Terms & Conditions

This document contains the terms and conditions you agree to when signing up to a class, camp or other event run by RMB Dance Edinburgh. In these terms and conditions, 'you' refers to the customer signing up for classes, and 'we' refers to RMB Dance Edinburgh.

Class Registration and Payment

- You sign up and pay for RMB Dance classes (and other events/ camps/ workshops) via Class4Kids.

- Class fees are paid in term blocks. The total term fee depends on how many classes are in the block.

- We offer a 10% sibling discount and multi-class discounts (10% discount for 2 weekly classes, 20% discount for 3 or more weekly classes).

- Invoices and receipts will be sent to the email address of the person who initially registered for classes. It is your responsibility to check your invoices and receipts, and contact Rachel with any queries.

- In the event of any error in invoicing on our part (e.g. accidentally overcharging) it is typical to correct this via the next term’s invoice (e.g. deducting the overpayment).

- RMB Dance Edinburgh aims for classes to be accessible to all, so if you have any queries or concerns regarding the payment (difficulty in paying fees or other concerns around payment), please contact Rachel either via email or in person, to discuss possible solutions.


- Payment for classes is due in full before the first class of term and this payment confirms your commitment to attending the class/es you have signed up to, for the full term.

- If you decide part way through term that you would like to move to a different RMB Dance class, you will only be able to do so if there is space in that class. Please discuss this with Rachel.

Missed and Cancelled Classes

- Your payment confirms your commitment to attending the full term, therefore no refunds will be given when a child misses a class or stops attending.

- Credit may be offered for missed classes in exceptional circumstances, at RMB Dance’s discretion (e.g. serious/ long illness or injury).

- If you have signed up to class but have not made payment by the second class of term, and we have not had any communication or discussion, you will be removed from the register.

- If a child is on the register but has not paid, we reserve the right to deny them entry into class.

- RMB Dance Edinburgh is not financially responsible for classes that are cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control (e.g building closure/ building unavailability). However, if classes are cancelled due to events beyond control, it will be endeavoured to arrange a makeup class for a later date or in an alternative venue. This will be at RMB Dance's discretion.


- RMB Dance offers free trial classes for new customers. You are allowed to book one free trial class for each style of dance we offer, so your child can try multiple styles.

- It is strongly advised that you sign up for a trial class before booking in for the block, so that you are sure your child enjoys the class before making payment.

- Free trial classes are only available for new customers (those who have never attended RMB Dance classes previously). New children can attend a trial class at any point during term if there is a space in the class.

- After a trial, the space will be kept on the register, you will be sent an invitation to book and payment for the rest of the block will then be required. If we have not had a response from you and payment is not made by the next week's class, you will be removed from the register.

End of Term

- All current students are automatically allocated a space in class from one term to the next. This essentially means that you have a space in RMB Dance classes for as long as you wish.

- At the end of each term, you will automatically be transferred onto the register for the next term, for the same class/es. Children will be moved up an age group where applicable (typically for the August term each year, in the line with the start of the new school year).

- If you wish to move to a different class for the next term, you will be only be able to do so if there is space in the class. Please discuss this with Rachel.

- If you do not wish to continue with the next term block, you can cancel your place in class.

Camps/ Workshops

- Camp/ workshop fees are required to be paid in full prior to the start of the camp/ workshop, which confirms your commitment to attending.

- If your child is not able to attend camp due to reasonable excuse (e.g illness), credit will be given for use at future camps or classes. Please note that you must provide notification via email, by 8:30am on the camp day that you are booked in for, that your child is unable to attend. 

- If you do not attend camp and have not provided any prior warning, or you have notified us after 8:30am, no credit or refund can be given.

Safeguarding and Policies

- In signing up to RMB Dance classes, you agree with these terms and conditions as well as the other policies and procedures put in place by RMB Dance (Care of you child policy; Privacy policy; Safeguarding policy). These are all available to read on the RMB Dance website.

- Parents/ guardians are not permitted to stay in attendance during classes/ camps/ workshops (except in classes involving adult participation), unless in exceptional circumstances that have been discussed with the dance teacher.

- In signing up to RMB Dance classes via Class4Kids, you have the option to select whether or not you give photo permission for your child. If you do give permission, this means you give permission for photos/ video to be taken of your child during RMB Dance classes/ camps/ workshops. These will be used for company/ marketing purposes only, on the RMB Dance website and/ or social media.

- If you have any questions or concerns around photo permission, please discuss this with Rachel.

- Parents/ guardians are not permitted to take photo/ video footage that includes children other than their own (e.g during shows/ class performances) unless permission is granted from the other parents/ guardians.


- The dance teacher is responsible for the children on the register from the class/ camp/event start time to the class/ camp/ event finish time.

- RMB Dance Edinburgh is responsible for keeping these Terms and Conditions updated and notifying you of any changes that occur.

- You (parent/ guardian) are responsible for notifying the dance teacher of changes relating to the care of your child, including medical conditions and emergency contacts.

Updated October 2024